
Part of being open and honest with you and your team is being accountable. Having remote teams as well as in-house teams can sometimes twist the lines of communication and create a gray area that accidents usually fall into. At Ultra Tech, we believe the most noble thing to do is take accountability. If we start off on the right foot and establish a respectable way to account for mistakes and flubs, we eliminate confusion, embarrassment and turmoil down the line. We have worked with companies around the world and have an amazing track record.

How do we break down our hosting services? You have three determining factors: management, space and storage type. Do you have the team it takes to buy an unmanaged server or would you rather we manage it for you? Are you a small start-up that only needs a small amount of server space or would you need something larger, dedicated solely to your business and no one else? Has your company moved into cloud storage and virtual machines or do you still use physical storage? We place a large emphasis on explaining your options to you and figuring out how your physical office space, your team and your employees could have more to gain using one option over the other.